- Freeze all stock prices. (FP=frozen price)
- Allow only the issuer to buy back the stock (the corporation). If a shareholder needs to liquidate, he can offer to sell back to the corporation for less than the FP but the corporation is not required to buy back.
- A percentage of profits will be set for each corporation to quarterly buy back its stock.
- While this is going on, Wall St facilities will be converted to a public investment house through which the public can invest in any corporation offering--to the investor--a satisfactory ROI.
What does this do? It will:
- Eliminate crashes caused by nervous investors
- Eliminate wealth disparity as there are no big players, sitting on their asses, skimming off the top.
- Stop the Ponzi scheme b/c money earned in Wall St trades comes from those who will lose an amount equal that which is earned.
- Importantly, the CEO of the corporation will no longer have to kowtow to Wall St by doing sometimes unethical things merely to maintain a high stock price.
- Most importantly, money is being invested directly in our corporations and start-ups. Money with no middle men to skim off the top. Stock shares, remember, are invested during the IPO process but you could easily end up with zilch. Not so with my proposal