Sunday, November 16, 2014

On the enigma of blindness and psychosis

This article lends credence to a theory I once had concerning the nature of schizophrenia. I have what I consider to be an uncanny ability to see faces in many textures. I was always able to see the "man in the moon," but one night, while stoned, I spotted a face in a weird table we had that was made up of crushed shells embedded in plastic. I found dozens. The more I looked, the more I found. None then or to date were very human-looking--they were mostly impish. But what if a schizophrenic isn't aware that his mind is picking up on these images. I propose having a clinician take an ordinary image and show the schizophrenic that, "hey, I can spot faces too and they never hurt me." The pictures can be created with a mask that can be superimposed on them to better enable the viewing of the "faces." I would call it a therapeutic Rorschach where the therapist sees things similar to those seen by the patient.

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