Monday, April 29, 2013

I'm off Twitter. This time for good. If I'm going to say something, I want to know that I've had an effect. My followers hardly ever commented on anything I said, and for those who know me, for some issues, I like to rock the boat. So, I can only surmise that no one is reading my tweets. But that's OK, Twitter was consuming too much of my time and I have so many more things that I've promised myself to do.

However, Twitter has served me well in other ways. After some 5000 tweets, I found that my spelling and grammar had improved enormously. How did I know this? I wrote a long paper w/o spelling assist, head down typing, and the MS Word spell checker only found one problem--an extra space between two words.

I assure you, spell/grammar checking on that size paper would have taken me at least 20 minutes. I attribute my skills entirely to my twittering. I strongly urge those with poor typing/proofreading skills to crank out those 140 characters grammatically correct and not misspelled.