Sunday, November 16, 2014

On the enigma of blindness and psychosis

This article lends credence to a theory I once had concerning the nature of schizophrenia. I have what I consider to be an uncanny ability to see faces in many textures. I was always able to see the "man in the moon," but one night, while stoned, I spotted a face in a weird table we had that was made up of crushed shells embedded in plastic. I found dozens. The more I looked, the more I found. None then or to date were very human-looking--they were mostly impish. But what if a schizophrenic isn't aware that his mind is picking up on these images. I propose having a clinician take an ordinary image and show the schizophrenic that, "hey, I can spot faces too and they never hurt me." The pictures can be created with a mask that can be superimposed on them to better enable the viewing of the "faces." I would call it a therapeutic Rorschach where the therapist sees things similar to those seen by the patient.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Kudos to League of Women Voters for Elucidation of NJ Ballot Questions

The sample ballot which we receive in New Jersey does nothing to illumine the issues/controversy surrounding the public questions to be voted on this election cycle.

After reading this unbiased take on the public questions before us, I've gone from two yes votes to two no votes and sticking to them.

The sample ballots, imho, should come with a link to the New Jersey League of Women Voters and their concise and easy to understand explanations on the repercussions of voting one way or the other. I hope they always do this because it is so needed and so refreshing to see two sides laid out in such a way that you know how you should vote. I am putting the LWV on my list of vetting tools.